
Are you wondering how to outsource software development to an offshore company? Here’s how to start your journey.

What does Offshore Development mean?

Businesses no longer need to employ staff at their doorstep to complete a wide range of services. Today, they can find talent in a variety of places, even outside their country. The idea is that the company can find high-quality work and specialized skills all over the world. An example of this is offshore software development.

Offshore software development occurs when a company outsources work to a partner in an area with a different time zone than the company’s headquarters.

Examples include a company in Western Europe working with a software development team in South America or an organization in the United States collaborating with a software development company in Ukraine.

Offshore software development is also often lumped in with the nearshore software development model. In this case, the company collaborates with a software development team in a nearby country to complete a software project.

For example, a company in Western Europe could work with a development company in Ukraine, while a company in the United States would partner with an offshore software development company in South America.

However, this involves working with a software developer or an entire team in a foreign country. It means assigning a remote external team to work together on a software development project. This can be used for a variety of tasks ranging from basic coding to product design, custom software development, web and mobile applications, as well as software support and maintenance.

For most companies, outsourcing is a great solution for projects that require specific expertise and high-quality results that are difficult to find locally.

What Does an Offshore Developer do?

External developers will bring a range of technical and soft skills along with extensive experience to handle different components such as building, implementing, supporting, and testing your specific technology projects.

Offshore developers may work from a remote location and will typically be part of a large offshore development team. Together they bring a fresh perspective, along with an innovative set of skills that bring new ideas and ways to approach your projects.

This is mainly because most of them belong to different countries, so the offshore development model will tend to provide a diverse team that encourages innovation and creative problem-solving to deliver high-quality products.

When to hire offshore developers

There are many situations where offshoring becomes the most viable option.

  • Lack of technology talent: The most talented developers are rare on a global scale. This makes it difficult to find local engineers willing to work on an in-house team. Companies may have difficulty hiring a full-time developer with the necessary talent in nearby locations, hence working with external software development companies.
  • Specialized roles: Many projects require highly specialized technical roles or temporary positions that do not attract the most talented developers. Maybe they need a project manager or QA engineer. Or perhaps they are looking for jobs on a dedicated software development team.
  • Complex Projects: Tackling a complex project requires a lot of technical knowledge and experience. Without it, it’s easy to hit roadblocks and accumulate downtime. Offshore software development companies can work with specialized technology groups and development processes involved.
  • Tight deadlines: Getting the right results at the right time can make the difference between success and failure. With external developers, you can quickly change your idea and expand your capabilities when necessary.

You can also maintain oversight of project management, using your project manager to direct software developers or handing your project over to software development companies, who will complete your product from start to finish, reducing time and increasing productivity.

What is the difference between Onshore, Nearshore, and offshore software development?

These three service models vary depending on the geographic viewpoint of the customer and their software development services partner. They provide various advantages in the IT sector.


Local outsourcing occurs when a client decides to hire software developers in their country or region. There is no time difference unless the development company operates in a different region or coast. 

However, development costs are usually higher than nearby or offshore software development costs because the cost of living is the same or similar for both partners.


Nearshore IT outsourcing is done between countries with similar time zones, such as the United States and Latin America. Since the time difference is minimal, companies can work on their activities with the software development company in real time.


Offshore software development unites customers and suppliers in distant countries or continents. In this case, the IT outsourcing market is usually the most profitable, as the cost of living is usually lower in these regions, but it is difficult to monitor the activities of these software development teams due to the incompatibility of the regions. 

However, offshore software development services provide several benefits.

Why is offshore software development beneficial?

The Benefits of Outsourcing Offshore Software Development are very broad. With the right outsourcing software development company by your side, the possibilities are endless.

These are just some of the benefits of offshore software development teams.

  • Access to the best technical talent

In the IT sector, talent is the most competitive (and scarce) resource. The best software development companies will find the best developers and leverage their talents for the benefit of their projects. The IT outsourcing market has some of the highest-quality employees in the industry.

  • Optimized workloads

An outsourcing company takes the burden off your shoulders while ensuring quality control. Once development is taken care of, you can focus your company’s time and resources on your core business.

  • Industrial experience

The best offshore software development companies have years of industry experience and have built offshore development teams with expertise in every technology, with a strong technology stack. This is the level of knowledge that changes the entire course of a project, whether you are creating web applications or mobile software.

How to choose an offshore software outsourcing company

Keep these key points in mind when choosing a top software company.

  • Smooth communication and workflow: Smooth communication and workflow are the most important steps for offshoring. Your software outsourcing partner must be proficient in English or the language of your choice. Additionally, your business process should align with your workflow throughout the development cycle.
  • Standardized Security Protocols: In an increasingly technology-driven world, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Make sure the IT company you choose has up-to-date security protocols to keep all data and software products safe. This is true no matter which software development model you choose.
  • Top Talented Software Engineers: Outsourcing offshore software development should give you access to world-class technical talent. Always choose an IT company that can provide you with elite software developers for the projects at hand, from product development to web development to routine IT services.

External API DOTS software development services

At API DOTS, we can provide the best outsourced development services that only work with the top 1% of technical talent. Ultimately, this can free up your internal resources, freeing you from worrying about additional hiring processes and allowing you to focus primarily on training the internal team to achieve goals that help drive your business.

  • Technology Talent Pool: Outsourcing offshore development services can be extremely beneficial because it provides access to a large pool of software engineering talent that would otherwise not be available. This way, your company can benefit from a wider range of specialists outside your internal team.
  • High-Quality Solutions: Our outsourced development model and experience allow us to ensure the delivery of high-quality custom software solutions to meet your business requirements. This helps optimize workloads, reduce software development time, and improve time to market. This helps optimize workloads, reduce software development time, and improve time to market.
  • Specialized Services: Outsourced software services fall into three main categories: delivery teams, staff augmentation, and project-based outsourcing. By partnering with an external software development company, you handle the entire implementation process for each one.

You will immediately receive a team of software engineers qualified in the technologies that meet your needs and ready to work on your projects: mobile and web applications, user experience design, or anything else.

Five Steps to Follow Before Working with an Offshore Development Company

Doing your homework before offshoring can help you minimize risks and maximize the results of your software outsourcing project.

Set your goals

Offshoring services expand your company’s capabilities by helping you achieve your goals. Having a clear idea of what you are looking for and the results you expect in a given period will make it easier to plan a customized technology solution that suits your needs.

Set priorities

While third-party development companies will help you create a detailed roadmap for your project, it is up to you to indicate what is most important to your company and your clients. Make a list of what your short- and long-term development priorities should be.

Draw your vision

You bring the idea and we turn it into a real program. The clearer picture you have of your vision, the faster your project will move out of the structuring and sketching stage. Remember, you are not creating a product, you are creating an experience.

List your needs

Each project requires different technology and different engineers with experience in a wide range of fields. Look at different service models and technologies to get an idea of how they will fit into your project. This applies to everything from team size to costs.

Put everything on paper

Proper documentation speeds up any process and makes everything more transparent. Depending on your needs, your outsourced team will help you choose the best solution to achieve your goals on time and at an affordable cost.

Communication is the key to success

While there are many benefits to working with offshore software development outsourcing companies, the success of any project depends primarily on one important factor: communication. Establishing an efficient workflow with your development team will determine how quickly your project progresses, as well as the quality of the final product.

As your outsourcing partner, we will always be interested in establishing a fruitful and professional relationship with you. Use this to your advantage by asking as many questions as possible and providing the most honest feedback as possible. Even if your project is not initially defined, these instructions will build a concrete foundation on which external developers can work and achieve valuable results.

And maintain this feedback loop throughout the development process! Whichever communication channel you choose to collaborate with us (be it via email, phone, video calls, or web platforms), please check back periodically to make the most of your software development journey.

Need Help with Development?

    Outsourcing software development occurs when companies grow and no longer have the internal bandwidth to manage certain tasks and operations. Other motivations for outsourcing are to reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve customer service, and more.

    When embarking on a new business initiative, having the right team is essential, and hiring a software provider is not a decision that should be made in haste. It is imperative to consider whether potential suppliers have the technological expertise for your project scope; a proven track record; and an interest in building a strong working relationship to augment your current workforce.

    What Type of IT Outsourcing is Right for Your Business?

    Location-based outsourcing

    This framework focuses on the location or distance of your service provider:

    • On-site outsourcing: In this model, your outsourced team reports to your office and works alongside in-house employees. Having outsourced staff on-site speeds up learning processes and working within the system.
    • Onshore outsourcing: Under this arrangement, outsourced partners work in the same state or country, allowing for minimal cultural and language differences.
    • Nearshore Outsourcing: This model looks for suppliers in neighboring countries that are often in the same time zone. There may be some linguistic differences, but most companies looking for nearshore partners are looking for a more affordable solution.
    • Offshore Outsourcing: To save even more money, a company may choose to outsource to more distant locations.

    Relationship-based outsourcing

    With relationship-based outsourcing, there is a focus on ownership and responsibility and how the third-party provider handles these two principles.

    • Staff Augmentation Model: This model is similar to on-site outsourcing. The outsourced team joins your internal staff to manage the programs internally. The client has full control over the projects from start to finish.
    • Managed Team Model: Under this arrangement, both the supplier and the host company share responsibilities and designate who focuses on which tasks. The customer also has control over the equipment.
    • Project-based model: The third party owns the project after the company informs it of the requirements.

    What to look for in a software development company?

    Whether you intend to hire a team to build a custom solution from scratch or acquire outsourced resources to augment your team, choose the software partner that best suits them and your customer’s specific needs.

    It can be quite a challenge. Entering the wrong partnership can lead to delays, wasted funds, and poorly constructed solutions. When considering a provider, it would be wise to keep an eye out for the following qualities.

    Complete list of services

    One of the initial steps in hiring an IT provider is to understand what your goals are and what you would need to achieve them. Keeping this in mind will help evaluate and compare equipment; Are they sufficiently equipped to take on your project?

    You can start by asking about their team structure. Are they providing project managers, designers, developers, and QA specialists? It would be ideal for solution providers to house a wide range of internal talent and teams. This way you won’t have to worry about paying for additional services.

    Various technical skills and experience in the field

    Technology is huge and there are a large number of tools, platforms, and programming languages that can be used to develop software. Today’s developers should be aware of the resources at their disposal and should be able to choose the right stacks for the scope of their project.

    Companies looking to outsource work should avoid software companies that can only work within one type of architecture; There is no single solution when developing products.

    Additionally, while it’s great to work with a company that has worked on a project similar to yours, it would be ideal to find a team that specializes in the same field as the final product.

    Understand business objectives and bottom line

    Before committing to a particular company, it is important to align business objectives, ensuring all parties are on the same page. The business world is much more dynamic than it was a decade ago, and custom web development companies need to understand their short- and long-term goals.

    Effective communication

    One of the most important qualities that suppliers can have is effective communication. Miscommunication and lack thereof can seriously affect the progress of the project and the final product.

    Communication is essential between the outsourcing company and the company, as openness and transparency are essential to the success of a project, mitigating possible misunderstandings.

    You can ask questions and initiate discussions to ensure the project moves forward in a way that optimally understands and meets your business objectives.

    Prioritize UX/UI

    Many software development company service providers focus on design, while others focus on technical services.

    However, prioritizing one over the other can be detrimental in the long run. Business leaders should look for a development company with experience in both technical support and providing UI/UX designing & development solutions.

    Creating intuitive and easy-to-use solutions helps the application be successful and better received because users are its market. Prioritizing UX/UI helps you achieve your business goals, reduce costs, and save time in the long run.

    Quality assurance

    There is an inherent difference between “quality assurance” and “testing.” Including a QA team in the software development company process to identify vulnerabilities that developers might miss indicates dedication to detail.

    Tools like Agile and DevOps focus on iterative releases, allowing for a continuous feedback loop. This cycle should include continuous validation stages, including user testing, daily scrums, and prototyping.

    Certifications and accreditations

    When your company is ready to invest in a software development company to partner with, it would be wise to validate their performance claims.

    Being able to show skills and abilities is one of the best ways to confirm capabilities. Look for certifications like Oracle, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft.

    The pricing model

    There are some types of typical pricing models in the software development industry, fixed price, time, and material.

    Deciding which model would be right for you depends largely on your specific type of project. With the fixed model, you are losing a bit of flexibility, while the other option allows you to pay for work as the project progresses.

    Choosing the right software development company for your project

    There is a lot at stake when partnering with a third-party provider. Poorly built software costs you more than financial losses (repairs, bug fixes, redesign). Your reputation is also at stake, which can negatively affect your bottom line.

    Meticulously researching potential partners is a critical step that should not be overlooked; Choosing the right supplier makes the difference in success. It is important to work with companies that offer software solutions that exceed expectations in all areas.

    Need Help with Development?


      In today’s dynamic business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to stay competitive, innovate and drive growth. Software development, the cornerstone of digital transformation, plays a key role in achieving these goals.

      However, with the increasing complexity of technology, businesses face the challenge of balancing innovation and cost-effectiveness.

      This is Where Software Development Outsourcing (SDO). ) becomes a strategic solution. It gives businesses the flexibility and skills they need to thrive in the digital age.

      I. Understanding Outsourced Software Development

      A. Definition and scope

      Software development outsourcing refers to the assignment of software development work to outside vendors or specialized agencies.

      This can cover the entire software development lifecycle or specific phases such as design, coding, testing, or maintenance.

      The extent of the outsourcing varies. Helping organizations can tailor engagement to their specific needs and goals.

      B. Types of Outsourced Software Development.

      Offshore Outsourcing;

      • Tapping talent and resources from other countries.
      • Cost-effective solutions and access to global talent pools.
      • Challenges associated with time zone differences and cultural differences.

      Nearby Outsourcing:

      • Cooperation with neighbors or nearby countries.
      • It offers a balance between cost savings and intimacy.
      • Improved communication and reduced time zone challenges.

      In the Land of Outsourcing:

      • Collaborate with development teams within a country.
      • Better compliance with local business practices and regulations.
      • Higher costs compared to offshore and nearshore options.

      2. The Advantages of Outsourcing Software Development

      A. Cost-effectiveness

      Outsourcing software development brings attractive economies of scale. The company can reduce operating costs.

      By accessing international markets for infrastructure including salaries as well as maintenance costs, businesses can access skilled professionals at competitive prices.

      This allows them to allocate resources more efficiently.

      B. Finding a Global Pool of Talent

      One of the main benefits of outsourcing is the use of a wide range of skills and expertise from around the world.

      Great talent pool outreach helps companies assemble specialized teams tailored to the needs of their projects.

      Collaboration with experts in various technologies ensures the delivery of high-quality software solutions.

      C. Focus on Core Competencies

      Hiring for non-core jobs like software development helps companies focus on their core competencies.

      By outsourcing technical tasks to external experts, organizations can direct their internal resources toward strategic initiatives.

      Promote business growth and innovation

      D. Scalability and Flexibility

      Outsourcing provides scalable solutions that fit business needs. Companies can scale up or down quickly depending on project needs.

      This ensures flexibility in resource allocation. This agility is crucial in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and market demands.

      3. Overcoming the Challenges of Software Development Outsourcing

      A. Communication Barriers

      Effective communication is paramount in software development. Time zone difference language barrier.

      And cultural differences can pose challenges. To mitigate these problems, it is important to create clear lines of communication and use project management tools as well as promote a collaborative mindset.

      B. Safety Concerns

      As cyber threats expand therefore security is a top concern. Companies need to implement strong security protocols when outsourcing.

      Conduct thorough due diligence when selecting external partners. and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations to protect sensitive data.

      C. Quality Assurance

      Maintaining high-quality standards in software development requires a strategic approach.

      It is important to create clear requirements using rigorous testing methods as well as fostering a culture of continuous improvement to ensure the successful delivery of reliable and advanced software solutions.

      4. Best Practices for Outsourcing Software Development

      A. Depth of Vendor Selection

      Choosing the right outsourcing partner is an important decision. Conducting thorough research and Evaluating vendor expertise.

      Evaluating customer testimonials as well as considering cultural fit is an important factor in making informed choices.

      B. Determine the Scope and Objectives of the Project

      Clearly defining project scope, objectives, and deliverables is essential to a successful outsourcing engagement. This helps in adjusting expectations.

      Set important events and ensure both parties are on the same page throughout the development process.

      C. Effective Project Management

      Implementing effective project management practices is essential for successful outsourcing.

      Using agile techniques Establish correct communication protocols as well as the use of project management tools which allows for smooth workflow and successful project outcomes.

      D. Continued Collaboration

      Developing a collaborative environment between in-house teams and outsourcing partners is critical to project success.

      Regular meetings help build a strong working relationship with open communication as well as a shared understanding of goals.

      READ MORE | 10 Benefits of Outsourcing Offshore Software Development in 2023


      In the ever-changing landscape of technology, outsourcing software development has become a strategic imperative for businesses that aim to thrive in the digital age.

      By leveraging cost-effectiveness with world-class talent as well as scalability, companies can manage the complexity of software development while focusing on their core competencies.

      But there are challenges. Adopting best practices and fostering effective collaboration can position organizations for success in the dynamic world of software development outsourcing.

      Need Help with Development?

        Currently, the Outsourcing Offshore software development industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. The article cites that over $7 billion is spent each year on offshoring software development.

        The reasons for offshoring can vary from company to company and range from cost savings to quality control. There are many benefits to hiring offshore developers, both cultural and economical.

        What is Outsourcing Offshore Software Development?

        Offshore software development is the process of developing software by a company or individual located in a country other than where the end-user is located. The main reasons for doing this are to tap into lower-cost labor, avoid time zone barriers, and take advantage of different talents and skill sets.

        When done correctly, offshore software development can be a huge win for both the client and the service provider. The client gets access to high-quality software at a fraction of the cost, while the service provider gets to expand their business into new markets.

        There are some challenges that need to be considered when outsourcing software development, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and communication issues. However, these can all be overcome with proper planning and execution.

        10 Benefits of Outsourcing Offshore Software Development in 2023

        Offshore software development can be a great option for businesses in a variety of industries.

        It can provide access to skilled labor at a fraction of the cost of hiring locally, as well as increased flexibility and scalability.

        In addition, offshore software development can help businesses to tap into new markets and expand their customer base.

        There are a number of benefits that businesses can enjoy by outsourcing offshore software development in 2023.

        These include:

        1. Cost Efficiency

        Offshore software development companies significantly benefit their clients, primarily by providing cost-efficient solutions.

        By working with an offshore company, you can often get your project completed for a fraction of the cost of working with a local company.

        This is because offshore companies have lower overhead costs and can often pass these savings on to their clients.

        In addition, offshore companies often have a large pool of talented developers to choose from, which means they can often find the right person for your project at a lower cost than a local company.

        2. Convenient Recruitment

        If you’re having trouble finding talented professionals to join your in-house team, then offshoring may be the best solution for you.

        With offshoring, you can hire experts from all around the world to work on your project. There are loads of vendors out there, so it’s important to choose one that will give you the results you need.

        At API DOTS, we have a vast talent pool spanning the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East, so we can get you a full team of expert developers in just a matter of minutes.

        3. Innovative Potential

        If you want to increase your ability to innovate, it’s a good idea to recruit people from different backgrounds. Your company can profit from the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas of employees from a wide range of backgrounds.

        To remain at the forefront of innovation, hire a diversified team of experts. This strategy gives you an advantage over rivals limited to the local talent pool.

        If you want your firm to stay ahead of the competition, hiring an offshore software development company might help you reach more customers and gain inspiration from different cultures.

        4. Focus on Your Business

        Hiring an offshore software development company in another country can free up your time to concentrate on other crucial areas of your organization.

        If your business is not tech-centric, there is no need for you to spend a lot of time learning the ins and outs of software development.

        You may employ a whole team of developers to take care of everything from conception to release to market without having to get your hands dirty at any point.

        You can hire offshore developers to help your in-house team out if they’re short-handed or you just want to get more done in less time.

        Instead, you can divide up the workload between your on-site staff and your offshore workers, with the former taking care of the more critical jobs. Since you probably won’t be communicating with them too much, outsourcing is a good option for non-critical business tasks.

        This would buy you some time to get the business’s operations in order and concentrate on other priorities.

        5. Shared Responsibility

        Organizations not primarily focused on IT often overlook the importance of good risk management in software development.

        Before outsourcing a particular part, all involved parties agree on what must be done and how to manage any resulting impacts or risks.

        Since risk management and mitigation are central to the offshore firm’s operations, they are in a better position to deal with the challenges presented by the development.

        In order to reduce potential problems, an outsourcing firm will use industry standard procedures.

        6. No New Infrastructure Required

        When you hire an offshore software development company, you don’t need to worry about setting up and managing your own development team.

        This can help your project get off the ground more quickly, as you won’t need to worry about the infrastructure and setup of your own development center.

        Plus, working with an experienced offshore software development company can give you access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that you might not have otherwise.

        If you want to quickly and easily start your project, hire an offshore software development company.

        Need Help with Development?